Workshop with Mikkala Kissi
A donation-based Living Yolates Workshop to share our deepest love and compassion with the people of Ukraine.
Join Mikkala Marilyn Kissi (the founder of Living Yolates) and Mai (Temple Yoga) for this 2-hour Living Yolates workshop. Thank you Mikkala for donating this unique workshop.
We will focus on grounding, centering, and connecting with the universal feeling of love, coming together to awaken our power. This special class will help to energize and promote clarity of body and mind and leave you feeling energized, strong, and powerful from the inside out.
Gathering together in freedom, meditating together, igniting self love and universal love, we will hold Ukraine and her people near and dear to our hearts.
This workshop is free but a donation is encouraged if you are able. All proceeds will go directly to the Red Cross. We have our own fundraising at Red Cross Denmark.
Donate here:
Mikkala Marilyn Kissi, the founder of Living Yolates:
As a professional dancer, yoga and pilates instructor, certified nutrition therapist, kinesiologist and body master, Mikkala created a holistic training method combining the best of yoga, pilates, dance, meditation and energy work.
Today, Living Yolates offers a way to live holistically, so necessary for us all in our modern world. It has become a way of thinking about, engaging with, and a seeing the world that we live in from a new perspective based on old and traditional principles and our own body’s wisdom.
The intention of Living Yolates is to empower people in their own self-care and self-love practices so that they can look after their body, mind, and soul, simply and naturally.
The physical training method is divided into the three disciplines Soft, Strong, and Dancing Yolates — all of which complement each other to meet one’s needs regardless of how much time or energy they have.
Praktisk og Pris:
Lokation: I Temple Yogas indendørs studie med skovudsigt
Adresse: Traverbanevej 10, 2 sal, 2920 Charlottenlund
Pris: 0 kr. inkl. økologisk ingefærshot, te og snacks
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Det med småt:
Denne workshop er gratis men er du forhindret i at komme vil vi gerne have besked så vi kan give pladsen til en anden.
Hvem kan være med?
Alle kan være med – også begyndere.
Denne workshop er på engelsk (Mikkala er dansk)