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Happy Hips & Lumbar Workshop

  • Traverbanevej 10 2920 Charlottenlund Denmark (kort)

Workshop with Caroline

The activities and stress of our daily lifes can often lead to tight and reduced range of motion in our hips, as well as lombard pain. Regular practice of backbends increases mobility while strengthening the supporting muscles around the skeleton and reduces your chances of injury. Learn how to use and integrate your muscles to keep you safe and strong in backbends. 
Starting with simple asanas, you will learn how to access backbends safely and release your hips. You will leave the workshop feeling open and light.

Your hips and lumbar will love it.

Practicality and Price:

Location: At Temple Yoga’s indoor studio with forest view
Address: Traverbanevej 10, 2 sal, 2920 Charlottenlund
Price: 390 kr. incl. organic gingershot, tea and snacks
Buy online: www.templeyoga.dk/booking/ or via mindbody app.
Students with subscription: 312 kr. (when you book via Mindbody 20% will be deducted)
This workshop will be tought in English.

How to buy and cancellation policy:

Via website:
Go to www.templeyoga.dk/booking-skema
Log in, go to “Workshops”. 
Find the workshop you want to book

Via Mindbody app:
Find the date  “under schedule” and book.

Cancellation policy:
Workshops/Events are non-refundable. You pay the full price if they cancel, make changes, or no-show. But you are welcome to sell/give your spot to another happy yogi.

Who can join?

All can join - always beginners

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